Restrictions et permis pour visiter le Nord du Sri Lanka = OBSOLETE !!

Forum Sri Lanka


Les restrictions et permis pour se déplacer dans certaines parties du Nord du pays sont levées et donc terminées et prenant effet le 16 Janvier 2015 !!

Vous pouvez aller dorénavant dans toutes les zones du Nord où bon vous semble.
Néanmoins ne prenez pas de photos tous les sites militaires, stratégiques où pas !
Regardez bien les panneaux car dans certains coins il reste toujours des mines où des terrains en cours de déminage…

Et une dernière petite chose dont personne ne parle mais qui à son importance…

  • pendant la guerre civile, l’Inde (Indian Peace-Keeping Force (IPKF)) est venue jouer les gendarmes (1987) entre les deux parties beligérantes mais dans ses bagages et sans le vouloir, ils ont ramenés un passager clandestin !!
    Le “Hottentotta Tamulus” où “Indian Red Scorpion” est devenu le premier scorpion mortel de Sri LanKa et à fait 80 morts entre Janvier 2012 et Février 2013 dans le district de Jaffna !!
    Méfiez vous de lui, il est rouge et cours très vite, regardez dans les lits le soir et les chaussures la matin, évitez de soulevez les pierres et ramasser des éléments par terre … son venin attaque les reins.
    Il y a maintenant un sérum… mais quand même…

“A scorpion species proved to be lethal to humans was recently recorded from Jaffna Peninsula (9°40’0’‘N 80°0’0’'E, mean annual temperature 26.2°C), in the northern dry zone of Sri Lanka. This species is morphologically different from all other known scorpions in Sri Lanka. The species was identified as Hottentotta tamulus (Scorpiones: Buthidae), which is commonly found in Maharashtra, India, the closest mainland to Sri Lanka. Small children and housewives were most of the victims. Soon after sting, the patient develops intense pain at the site of sting followed by numbed sensation. Dominant clinical effects include excessive sweating, agitation and palpitation. Blood pressure of the victim goes up, and if not promptly treated leads to acute heart failure. There is a high risk of spreading of this species to the rest of the country due to transport of goods and sand from the area.”

Si vous le voyez… éloignez vous…


Sri Lanka lifts travel restriction for foreigners visiting North, no troops reduction
Fri, Jan 16, 2015, 10:34 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

"Sri Lanka’s new government Friday lifted a restriction placed on the foreign passport holders and foreign organizations traveling to the former war-torn Northern Province.

The previous government of Mahinda Rajapaksa last year imposed a restriction on foreigners and foreign organizations visiting the North requiring them to obtain prior clearance from the Ministry of Defense (MOD).

The MOD said the decision to lift the travel ban with immediate effect was taken by the President Maithripala Sirisena at the National Security Council meeting today.

“Since there is no war situation in the country and the life of the community is normal, it was decided to remove restrictions imposed on foreigners,” the MOD said in a statement.

The National Security Council has also decided to lift restrictions on transporting unspecified goods other than weapons, explosive substances, clothing similar to that worn by the security forces and telescopes to the North and East.

Although restrictions have been eased the Army will not reduce the number of troops stationed in the former war zones, the Army said at the MOD media briefing Friday.

“The numbers in our standing Army will not be reduced,” Army Media Spokesperson Brigadier Jayanath Jayaweera said.

He said 20,000 new soldiers have been enlisted to further the development of the country and there will be no reduction of numbers in military service due to recent changes.

“Those newly enlisted will carry forth their duties to help with development of the country,” he said.

The Director of the Media Centre of the Ministry of Defence, Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasooriya said that the statements made on alleged incidents that have taken place in the North and East during the post-election period, are baseless."


En voilà une bonne nouvelle :slight_smile: Je me doutais que cela allait être caduque avec le nouveau Président, mais je ne pensais pas si rapidement…
Bon pour le scorpion, on va se méfier, merci pour pour vos conseils toujours complets. J’espère qu’on a le temps de trouver le sérum avant dit passer…Gloups…


… pour la piqure de ce scorpion Hottentotta Tamulus est:

  • Prazosine (Prazosin en Anglais) qui est maintenant administré systématiquement à l’hôpital de Jaffna … et après deux trois jours, on est debout.

Le matin on secoue ses affaires avant de s’habiller et on regarde dans ses chaussures (si ce ne sont pas des tongs ;0)


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