Camping Yosemite en octobre

Forum Parcs nationaux de l'Ouest américain

Bonjour, en fouillant tous les sujets je n’ai pas trouvé réponse à ma question, alors la voici :slight_smile:
Nous y seront fin octobre.
Les 4 campings à l’intérieur du parc sont indiqués ouverts jusqu’à mi octobre.
que faut il faire dans mon cas ?
J’ai 2 nuits a trouver.
Est ce que seuls les campings à l’extérieur du parc seront accessible ?

Les 4 campings à l’intérieur du parc sont indiqués ouverts jusqu’à mi octobre.
Est ce que seuls les campings à l’extérieur du parc seront accessible ?


D’après le site du National Park, les réservations s’arrêtent en octobre, mais plusieurs campings sont accessibles en “1er arrivé - 1er servi” pendant tout l’hiver.

Mid-April through October

There are no first-come, first-served campgrounds open. The only option to camp in Yosemite is to search frequently; you might find a cancellation in a campground that accepts reservations in or near Yosemite. Do not arrive at Yosemite without a reservation—you’ll probably have to leave the park to sleep.

If your visit is more than two weeks from now and you’re visiting from approximately July through October, reservations may be available a week or two in advance at the following campgrounds:

November through Early April

If you want to camp in or near Yosemite and you don’t already have a reservation, here are some options to try:

  • Camp 4 is open on a first-come, first-served basis from late October through mid-May. This very popular campground in Yosemite Valley is only for tents; sleeping in a vehicle (including RVs and trailers) is not allowed. In spring this campground is extremely popular; it’s very difficult to get a spot. From mid-April through October, space at Camp 4 is available only by reservation one week in advance.
  • Hodgdon Meadow is open on a first-come, first-served basis from late October through early April. The rest of the year, a reservation is required.
  • Wawona is open on a first-come, first-served basis from late October through early April. The rest of the year, a reservation is required.
  • Search frequently; you might find a cancellation in a campground that accepts reservations in or near Yosemite.

Within Yosemite National Park, you may not sleep in your car or RV except in a campsite that you’re registered to stay in (except at Camp 4, where sleeping in cars is not allowed because it’s a walk-in campground). Sleeping in your car along the side of the road is not allowed.

merci mais ca reste flou, dans la période d’octobre la plupart ferment en septembre ou a la mi octobre.
J’arrive le 20.


Bah non, c’est le système de réservation qui s’arrête mais les campings restent ouverts.

OK, je vais essayer quand même les résa et puis sinon on avisera sur place

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