Je vais dépasser de 2 jours l’exemption de visa de 30 j accordée aux Français. Est ce quelqu’un peut me dire si l’amende pour dépassement est toujours en vigueur , si oui quel est son montant, et peut on la payer en bahts ou en euros, sachant que je n’ai pas de dollars.
merci à ceux qui me répondront
L’amende, si vous vous présentez de vous même, est de 500THB par jour au delà du deuxième jour, donc dans votre cas vous allez dépasser de 2 jours, donc 1 jour d’amende, donc 500THB
Il est important de vous présenter de vous même aux authorités et de ne pas attendre et faire l’air de rien, faute avouée à moitié pardonnée? non ?
Bon retour
je vous joint un copie/coller des sanctions venant du site de l’ambassade de Thailande.
It is illegal to overstay your visa as it is a violation of immigration rules. Needless to say, you are also breaking the thai law. Overstaying is sanctioned under thai immigration procedures. Even if you overstay for just one day, legal actions could be taken up against your person. Usually though when you overstay for one day, it doesn’t carry a fine with it. The fine of 500 baht per day of overstay only begins after the second day, so if your stay expired on the 15th of March and you only reported to the immigration by the 20th, your fine will only be 4 days of overstay or 2,000 baht.
However, just avoid getting yourself caught by the immigration police at all means. If by any reason they will stop you in a random check-up on your way to the airport, they will imprison you regardless of the length of time you overstayed, even if it’s just one day! You’ll be confined in a jail until you can secure your flight outside Thailand or you can provide the money in payment for the fine. It remains a question though about you fixing things up when you’re actually inside the jail, in that case just keep hoping that some friend or lawyer might assist you through the ordeal. Amnesty International observed that thai jails are “cruel and degrading”, so as much as you can do not attempt to overstay in the first place.