30 juin grève annoncée en Grèce (perturbations ferry)

Forum Grèce

Greece’s passenger ferry service is expected to be disrupted on Tuesday, June 30, as the Pan-Hellenic Seamen’s Federation (PNO) has announced a 24-hour strike in protest of some shipping firms violating their collective labor contracts.

Among other claims, the Greek seamen are demanding unpaid wages from certain shipping firms and are protesting against uninsured labor and increased unemployment in their sector which they said has surpassed 50 percent.

In its announcement, PNO also referred to an upcoming “avalanche” of anti-worker measures that have been demanded by Greece’s creditors.


le 30 ,tous les navires seront en fonction

Bonsoir , Nous sommes à kytnos . Nous devions partir pour Milos demain mais le ferry qui devait nous y amener a été annulė ! On nous a dit que c était un problème de carburant .

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